

I watched hope
I watched hope climb the ever growing tree of life with me,
unacquainted and uninvited
a burden so it seemed

over time I took an interest
and listened to hopes whimsy
persuaded by the comfort hope had given me

I watched hope ambitiously
try to remind me there is more to see

I watched hope reach out a hand
and I took it without giving a chance
to take it back,too ready to attach
I leaned on hope, maybe too often
my arrogance, left hope broken
but not forgotten

I watched once soft features become lined with distress
like a frayed and tattered broom
run down by the mess of my over use

I watched the light fade from hopes once bright eyes
sunken,gray circles, portraying demise

I watched hope falter,
I watched hope cry
I watched hope try
I never thought I'd watch hope die

I watched hope tie the knot
I watched hope wave goodbye

I watched hope climb the tree of life with me
I watched hope swing, I watched hope sway
I watched hope hang herself that day.

© Jada E. Clark

#poemseries #partone #journey #poet #beautyinpain