

The day I'll never forget....
You keep saying things, but I dont understand.
Telling me what i'm doing wrong.
Screaming words that, i only hope you dont really mean....
Im fading away, slipping out of the room.
When you yell, I hear nothing, I go into a safer space, where I can block you out.
A place so peaceful, im untouchable.
Glass breaks around me, Im covered in blood, I no longer have the will or disire to fight back.
Death seems to be the happiest place, so Silently I wait, closing my eyes.....
praying for this to be the last time you will hurt me, praying to have this be the final moments.....
Hours, passed into days....
I wake, in a bright room......
beep...... beep.......
what are these tubes, I cry, screaming silence, why God why......
Why wont you take me away, I dont know
how much more I can take.....
it hits me right then.........
beep....... beep......
He is telling me run child, run away, life is yours, you deserve to be happy.....
Not a moment sooner, once they removed all the electrical feeders and monitors from me.

I never looked back,
still im running,
I may not have a place to call my own, or even a home,
but now I can say
without you
Im truly happy.

© unlaced