

Can she stick the landing?
Silver light across the sky
Screaming stars, burn all night
In egress I move my thoughts from you
In regress, I fail try as I might

You were the reason my world turned
The love I felt left empty with yearn
But within you, resentment churned
Leaving me soaking wet, yet somehow burned

"I have no words", I say
As they spill from me to page every day
When will this pain go away?
When can I trust another not to betray?

I am just as pathetic as you said
Because I can't remove you from my head
I'll die feeling I tripped the thread
I shoot myself in the foot, consumed by dread

I still mourn the thought of aging together
Foolish to think we had nothing to weather
But that's just like me
To ignore the signs
Who gets yelled at everyday and thinks it's fine
I have my faults, I know that's true
But I can't imagine I'd ever do
The awful things you put me through
It's so fucking stupid
Like panicking to stop the bleeding while mortally wounded
I should have let it bleed
Instead of scrambling and bending and breaking myself until I was what you need
No really,
I broke myself making sure you had weed
To keep you happy and stop the abuse
But that only served to tighten the noose

I regret trying
I regret lying
Saying it's fine
Staying in line
Choaking down my pride to be your fucking bride

I'll grow
I'll show
I'll show you what love truly is
Not through getting in another relationship
But by loving myself and being patient
Should I find someone who can reciprocate
I'll show myself it's not too late

© Artemis' Arrow