

Forget me not
If all men were the same
And all had equal fame
And the same was their names
I shall still fall for you
The Queen of beauty and manipulation
How come I fell for you
Taking away all my attention
A fool, but my feelings are true
I know your love is a disorder
My very own favorite disorder
There is treatment but no cure
When I hear life support, I think of you
Cut the connection and I shall suffer
I cannot picture this universe without you
Stab me with the sharpest knife
I will still love you in my next life
Your love spreading all over me like poison
High blood pressure, hypertension
The same person that made me tense
The same person gives me peace
This intoxicating desire
Your love, I wish to require
Rain your love on me
You’re all I want to see
With you I want to flee
Love me or hate me
But do not forget me.
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