

Feel of the forest rain
Just after a gentle shower you see a rainbow,
While going through the woods in cavorting auras,
The birds are all so friendly wherever you go,
In every tree they sing you a chorus,with their pleasant voice
to smile from outside or not, is completely your choice
but inside of you
the burning fire
the never fulfilled desires
now have a sigh of relief
all the journey through blood and despair
seems to have led us to a sacred destination, a curve of belief
for He- our God, is standing besides us
watching silently, peacefully
hopping around us, with wings of hope and peace
touching us , in the form of water drops falling from the leaves
the scent of this rain
giving us Lil to loose, but so much strength to gain
even these drops, have to shout in the form of the cloud's roar
have to, burn , grind in the thuderstorms
before they reach the ground
and give the desparate souls
some peace, some happined, feel of belonging , and the lovable sound

© Shanid