The double standard
You complain about sleazy men.
Then you treat me the way they treat you.
treating me as less than pigs in a pen,
just because I wasnt born like you.
I'm not your best of both worlds.
Dont talk to me just because you want the piece of me I never will.
If men are monsters because they objectify you.
Think about what you do to women like me?
Where only worth your time because of our anatomy?
We want to be objects...
Then you treat me the way they treat you.
treating me as less than pigs in a pen,
just because I wasnt born like you.
I'm not your best of both worlds.
Dont talk to me just because you want the piece of me I never will.
If men are monsters because they objectify you.
Think about what you do to women like me?
Where only worth your time because of our anatomy?
We want to be objects...