

Walking Dead
Living in the shadows.
Hiding behind closed windows.
Trying not to live like the widows.
But life puts you on a close.
In humans you are the most low.
Stepped down, lights out, no friends is your journey.
All because of this thing called money.

Living behind everyone else.
In great congregations your shadows do not cast.
In personal life you wish to give up.
Your hard work never pays up.
Your standard is on the low.
Life hits you with a different blow.
In physical you do not grow.
In spirit without God, you do not glow.

This life journey is a zero.
No one to rescue you, no hero.
Your journey so far, in kilo.
This is a true life story.
Though it may sound crazy.
And a little bit mystery.
But not everyone lives on a silver platter.

© Mohammed Fauzan
© fauzy