

Words I was too scared to say
You're always there like the stars in the sky even though I can't always see them
You make me laugh You make me cry You drive me insane
I still remember the first time you looked at me
There was something about you that made me love you from the very beginning
We were able to talk about stupid shit and serious things that I don't even talk about with my parents.That day you left broke my heart into a million pieces and it still hurts like hell
You saw things I kept hidden yet you always seem to know
The way you drive that dam car is ridiculous and you purposely do it to annoy me but I love it and feel closer to you then ever
When you hug me I feel safe and comfortable like I found peace and I actually feel OK like everything I went through as a child happened for this very reason Because without it I never would've met you I'm so sorry for getting you into trouble so many times You accept my flaws and bring out the best and worst in me I honestly had no interest in guys and thought relationships was pointless but you changed all that
you didn't let me get away with anything and called me out when I pissed you off
I don't know what's gonna happen to me or us but I wouldn't change a thing for nothing
you dummy are so special and I love you so much
Happy Birthday