

The Distance
What can I say,
To ease all your questions
But without answers.
My lips are tied. My hands are clasped.
Profession is my Goal
Even without a job.
Because there is more to me
But I couldn't explain it.
When my lips are tied.

My head is my home
And my questions are my work
Without the people to aid me to understand,
I just bury myself underneath the numbness I was handed.

Read read read,
All the facts,
Memorize the dates.
Learn how she laughed and recite her sayings.
Repeat her smile until you convince them you're still her.

But every other second you're alone,
Get back to work and
Bear down your teeth.
Move forward.
Embrace the pain,
it's something that's apart of you.

Emotion when it visits,
Only wants to play war.
They burn me so I extinguish it.
Exactly what they want.
A mind held captive and controlled.
"Adapt" is the goal.
"Survive" the task.
"Become" well that's the formidable part.