

My Grandmother !
Grandma, I want to talk to you.

I want to cry out my pain and I have no one! My childhood was the only smooth stage of my hard life that would come over me and every beautiful moment of my memories, you show up there with gray hair and clear eyes. 

You raised me not with and chocolate, but with the bread you made on the hearth. You worked hard: you shaved corn, you bonded with life, but you never complained, not to others, not to me. 

You had a little time left to fall in love with all this toil, but you smiled at me and kept me in the shade. You cried with me when I cried and you kept smiling and when I was wrong.

Walk barefoot in summer and winter wet at the feet,
Put away the candy money.

And in the evening, when others were in bed, you'd stroke my broom hair and take me to a palace. In no book have I ever found such stories as yours, even though you never knew how to read. Then they took me, took me crying to school like I could only see the capital.

I'd come less often, sit a little and you'd be sadder, but we'd never leave without two lions in a handkerchief. After a while, something broke between us when my parents started arguing on the ground.

For a while, our paths never came together.
But I never forgot who I grew up with.

I saw you again after about six years you kissed me so much, smiling at me. On your face, time had left deep marks cut furrows like a water that makes its way through the rocks but your eyes, your eyes, Grandma, were just as gentle two eyes that for me, of longing, were often wet.

You didn't want to come with me then, I couldn't stay with you either: I had a job, and a house to maintain, and I rarely found time to come and see what you've done. Call my aunt to tell me that she saw mine crying again when all the kids were coming home from the duckAnd she walks into the yard, alone,through the gate. With a burning longing, Grandma, one night you died without saying goodbye, without me explaining to you why your niece often doesn't come to open the gate for you, to be by your side. 

Today, I have so much time Grandma and I'd come to you, but there's no one near the gate, I don't have anyone!  

© Author: Adriana En