

The hidden cost of beauty
A quest for beauty, a desire to be fair
Leads to a poison, that's hidden with care
In bleaching creams, that promise to whiten
But instead bring harm, and a beauty unspoken

The chemicals seep, into the skin so dear
Causing damage, and a beauty to fear
The glow of radiance, is replaced with a fade
And the beauty within, is overshadowed by shade

The skin that's exposed, to the harsh chemicals' might
Becomes weak and fragile, losing its natural light
The beauty that was sought, is lost in the haze
As the cream's dark secrets, leave a trail of daze

The consequences stack, like a heavy toll
Premature aging, and a skin that's old
The beauty that was sought, is lost in the pain
As the cream's dark secrets, leave a lasting stain

Let us embrace, our natural beauty's grace
And reject the poison, that takes its place
For true beauty shines, from a heart that's pure and bright
Not from a cream that harms, and takes away our natural light

Let us love ourselves, in all our shades and hues
And celebrate our beauty, in all its natural hues.