

O lovely you have eatten so much that you have become over weight, a calmness without a calm you just cant stop your self from stuffing your mouth with a sinfully fruits taste so sweet its give you satify your emptiness for a moment. First let a us investigate why problem, hunger is controlled by powerfully heromes an brain chemicals within your brain responsible for graving an reward these hormones
There are million of people with obesity that have a strong drive to eat its not there faults . Many people blame obesity on poor dietry.its not always that simple other factors can have powerfully affect on the body weight an obesity so which are outside. of the person control. A mother diet an lifesytle is a great deal an may influence baby within the womb an baby is future behavior an body composition show that the women who gain excessive weight during pregnancy are more likely to have heavy 3 year old. If you have children parents an grand parents is over weight will have obesity so lets start eating healthy everyday during excerize daily so we all can be a healthy live longer. So lets not blame these innocent over weight people its could very well be genects that cause of them been over weight. So if you have some one in your family who is over weight love them with every fiber of your heart take them jogging everyday make shour they eat healthy food check on there breathin every day while they sleep . Obesity is not by choice l repeat obesity is not by choice its genetics. Monitor there weight by making them do alot activities around the house take them on a power walk long distance turn it into a fun outing tell joke to keep the pain out of mind out of sight. So stop blaming these chentle giant, call them awfully nasty words only increase more pain that will make them eat more lets try whisper sweet kindness while bring them to doctor find a good eattin habit for our love one's