

A Tribute to the Tree

Men have been known to go through toil
Searching for riches beneath the soil,
Yet, oftentimes fail to realise
That, above the ground is a precious prize.

It’s more than merely an aesthetic sensation
We feel from seeing all this afforestation.
Our lives are enriched to a great degree
From the blessings gained from each tree:

First, of course, are the fruits,
An abundant variety which everyone suits.
Oranges and lemons, peaches and pears,
A succulent supply to dissipate our cares.

Next, there is the wood itself,
Within each heart, an enormous wealth.
From such a source we embellish our homes,
Mahogany and oak enhances simple stones.

Inside our homes, sitting in our chair
We relax to music filling the air
From the heart of violins, pianos and guitars
And feel we can almost touch the stars!

These are but a few uses of the tree
Mentioned to relate its great utility,
Furthermore, we need them to breathe –
Oh yes, without trees we would grieve.

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