

A poem I set out to write
I set out to write a sad poem about a sad girl,
With my mind made up,I walked down the streets of my hood in search of ideas.

Under a huge mango tree I saw a girl sitting down with her head on her knees and her arms wrapped around her legs,I could barely see her face
But I could tell she was in pain.

With curiosity I forgot about my mission and walked to her,
Hello,are you alright? I queried and all she did was to raise her head slightly to see who it was,then she said"I wish I was alright,I wish I was as happy as all the children my age,I wish I wasn't a problematic child" Uncontrollable tears run down her cheeks as she uttered those words,I could see she was really hurting inside.

Will you like to tell me what's wrong dear?I probed further.
"Even I don't know!! I've been asking myself this question but I never get an answer,maybe I'm a cursed child,maybe I wasn't destined to be happy, there's nothing I've ever done that's considered right, he hates me,he wished I was never born, I'm being treated like a non-entity in my own home and it's heartbreaking,the one who is supposed to wipe tears of my face is the cause of the tears that run down my cheeks every single day".

I was short of words,a young girl her age shouldn't be going through such pain,but the world is cruel I thought, everyone gets to taste pain in different ways,I felt empathetic towards her.
I'm really sorry you're going through all that,you don't deserve it,I mean no one deserves pain but it's up to us to decide how to deal with it when it happens,I assure you that your pain today is going to be a history someday and you'll forget you ever went through such atrocity. Trust me you're stronger than just sitting here and drowning yourself in tears,you'll be fine.
Thank you so much,she wiped her face with her palms as she stood up with a trace of a smile curved on her lips, happily sad she walked away!

Then I remembered I came out for a purpose,but maybe,just maybe
I still wrote the poem I set out to write
About the sad girl.

Thanks for reading,I hope you enjoyed it. Please don't forget to like,comment and follow me, thank you!!

© Yasmine