

How can I?
How can I show you my love, when it's already so late?
When the night has fallen, and time has sealed our fate.
The words left unspoken, the moments missed in time,
Can they be reclaimed, can they be made right?

Can I hold you close and make you feel my heart?
Can I whisper sweet nothings and make a fresh start?
Can I kiss away the tears that you have cried,
And make up for the love that I've denied?

How can I show you my love, when it's already so late?
Can I paint you a picture, with colors bright and great?
Can I write you a letter, with words that speak of love,
And send it on a journey, to the heavens above?

Can I make you a promise, to be there by your side,
To cherish and adore you, with all my heart and mind?
Can I hold your hand and never let it go,
And promise to love you, even when we're old?

How can I show you my love, when it's already so late?
The answer lies within me, and the choices I make.
© poetic.mind__