

Lost in the feelings...
Just yesterday, you were here by my side.
We argued, fussed and would fight. Other times we would laugh, joke, and be silly together.
Just yesterday, you told me you love me and we would always be together. Promising me that you would always come home.
Just yesterday, you were tangible to me and I to you.
Just yesterday, we were who we knew we were and where we were going.

Today, you are so far away. No longer her by my side.
There are no laughs, no arguments, no fussing, no silliness.
Today, there are no 'I love you's,' and a kiss to the lips or the foreheads.
Today, when I roll over you are not here for me to reach out to touch and I'm not there for you.
Today, I feel forever lost and so confused.
Today, I was told by your mother that all your words were lies.
Today, I sat and cried again. I shed more tears because I hurt inside because of all the lies that have been told by someone that I called "friend".
Today, my hope turned to sorrow because it feels like this hurt is never going to end.
Today, I cried even more because the lies that have been told have left an emptiness in my chest, where your love used to rest. There is nothing there but a void that has been filled with sadness and tears.
Today, all that was left was hurt feelings... sadness and tears.

© Rhonda Broker