

Silent tear...
When we close our eyes,
we all have some memories,
we all have some people,
we all have some dreams
that are not done,
that can't be done
let it go through tear once...
lets start it all again
when we sit silently,
started to think,
we all have some loved one, who can't be with us,
we all have some friend,
with whom we can't be,
we all have some thoughts,
we all have some pains,
let it go through tears once..
let it go once..
because we have to come again..
for coming again
let it go once
let tears flow..
let all pain go,
let all memories go...
because memories are to be created,
not to remember,
let talks of past go...
lets enjoy our present once..
its an silent tear,..
let it go.
because we need to come again..
because anything is not the end..
because every end is the new beginning....
because everyone has the right to start again
everyone has right to end all pain..
so, let it go..
lets those silent tears come once..
lets start again.... 🤞

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