

Commandment Countdown ( eighth commandment)
" Thou shall not steal"
I have stolen alot of things in my life,
but the LORD does forgive, so repent and be forgiven
through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our LORD, through repentance.

The Bible tells us that the devil comes to STEAL, kill and destroy
don't follow his footsteps.

The temptation of stealing can be strong,
but don't give into it, alone it sounds impossible,
but with GOD it can happen.
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you fight the temptations.
The Bible tells us that if you were once a thief,
start working to earn money.
The Bible also says it is better to earn little income honestly,
than a huge income dishonesty.
Stealing can be from stealing money, stealing from shops,
stealing friendships and more.
In conclusion, stealing is taking without permission or concent
and not returning what you borrowed.

Do not steal, it's not worth it.
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