

Finding Comfort in Chilly Evenings
In the winter's Eve, after toiling through the day
I return home in a weary State.
The atmosphere is chilly but insanely cozy,
I stop by a restaurant on my way.

A bowl of hot dumplings soup, steaming with delight,
Delicately warming my body with each savoury bite.
As I savor the taste, I look through the windows,
The evening sky is pretty, though covered in Haze;

The streets getting empty with each passing hour,
The dilemma of tranquility collides my soul.

And then, there's rosy cheeks and runny nose;
Yeah, signs of the winter touch for sure.

A red scarf tightly wrapped, offering me warmth,
And I know not, what's causing this heartache.
Shall I stay here some more,
No it's getting late, I must hurry home.

I climb up the stairs, way back home.
And jump onto the bed, embracing blankets,
Yes, it's by the simplicity I live;
I drift off to slumber, in a blissful dream
I'm tired as hell, let's have a goodnight sleep.

© Enigma