

The end is near.
Slow and steady wins the race.
I never knew how to keep a steady pace.
I can see the finish line but I'm staggering and losing focus.
The crowd isn't even cheering me on and the looks they give are atrocious.
But my demeanor is ferocious.
With one eye open, I see the tape that stretches across the finish line.
In the distance I vaguely see one person holding a sign.
"You got this :)."
It was enough to pull ne out the dark abyss.
Both eyes opened and blew the crowd a kiss.
Picked my feet up and began to run.
The crowd started to cheer. Weight began to lift that amounted to tons.
My dark night turned into daylight from the over powering sun.
I smiled and waived and as I got closer I realized it doesn't matter if I'm first or last.
I already won knowing I overcame every obstacle and became a master of my past.
I ran right into the tape across the finish line and I was first.
I finally won. I can say I quenched my thirst.
Champagne victory.
Fresh like listerine.
It's a hard road travelled without anyone to lean on.
But travelled nonetheless. Nobody knows the path I've been on.
While getting tattered and beaten and peed on.
This is a victory for eons.

© venkatjamespersaud