

What For?
Here we are, but why and what for?
Here and now, what is all the time that has existed and what for?
What great plans we can have and then again, what will it accomplish and what for?
In relation unto all that relates, what is everything relating for?
I do not know if I can speak for all, but I will attempt to tell the end of all this and the meaning to it all.
Life can be made about many things, but none hold the eternal value that love brings. God, Himself, is the true love of all life, and Jesus's display of heroism on humanity's behalf is the true and undefiled love that we should have.
One day we will all stand before the Almighty, and we shall give an account of how we handled the love of life coming into our hearts and out of our hearts. He, Himself, being all the love that we have ever known, shall be staring back at us. And on that day, only the pure in heart shall see Him and live forevermore. So, let us purify our hearts through repentance and sanctify the Lord of all glory in our hearts to be that so great love for one another through us.
So, in essence, what I say is, God is love and Love is what for!!!

© Brother Stephen Scottt