


Trust is a small word of 5letters which takes,
many years to build for someone but,
can be broken in million pieces,
in just few seconds!!

Trust, the word is easy to say,but
hard to do on someone!!
Trusting comes after deep love,goodness and
friendship or relationship!!

Trust should not be broken,
If it does,It destroys love and relationship!!
Breaking someone's trust is like,
breaking someone's heart!!
Come,Let us All be Trustworthy!!

In,this generation only,
The word trust exist!!
Trustworthy people and true trust
does not exist!!

If,we stop being trustworthy,
The coming generation Will, not be Good.
The future of the People will be in riot,
People will stave as their,
will be no trustworthy people!!

I want a world full of Love,
and trustworthy people,
What type of World Do you want?
A world With beauty or,
A world full of hatred!!?
Come Let us All be trustworthy..

Come Let us never breaksome's trust,
Let,us not Let the Word trust disappear,
from this world!!
We can be trustworthy,and
We will Be trustworthy!!
Come,Let us Together make,
a world Full of trustworthy people!!

© Vidhyasha