

Random Thoughts
Hell could freeze over
when we come closer,
and stand together, in peace.
A kiss, on the cheek
sometimes not love
but betrayal from close friends
who had become family.
Denial is thinking
the world is not drowning
In the pool of sin.
Dying gradually,
In false love with
demons in human bodies.
Our circle can be small
and tight, away from strangers
but can be
destroyed by one
amongst us,
that has a crooked smile.
It is said that the truth is deep!
and life's an ocean, we all must swim
to survive-
some drown, some built a ship!.
Poverty chose his people,
but we are not forced to serve him.
It is funny until it is your turn
to feel pain,
often at times, we give out all our love to someone that can drive us insane,
losing ourselves and image
to one who isn't really our friend
but a long time foe of humanity;
I mean, the devil,
he gives you fame and cut off your toes!
You paid for happiness,
but she gives you a long lasting sorrow..
Go, find your peace my friend,
take your feet off the pedals of stress and release-
the beast, residing inside of you,
Your freedom is not out there with another man,
she is within you.
© damithemessenger