

I am there wherever you are!
"I am there wherever you are,
Walking beside you,
gazing at your face for hours,
As if there is no one else in the world.

I am there in the pause between your words,
When you recite a beautiful verse to the audience.

I am there in the rain, lying close to you,
While you cry, thinking of your past.

I am there with you near the window,
While you listen to the love song on repeat.

I am there next to you in the cafe,
As you gently sip the coffee all alone.

I am there reflected by your facial expressions,
When you talk to yourself in front of the mirror.

I am there like a tiny droplet on leaves,
When you water your plants and cuddle them.

I am there playing with your long tresses
As they touch your face in the wind during a walk.

I am there encouraging you as intuition,
When you lose hope to continue.

I am there as a part of your soul,
Not apart from you but somewhere inside,
Or maybe I am not separate; I am YOU."
© 26as