

Bonded in Friendship: Journey to Happiness
"Together we surpassed all of this challenges and we, as together until our hairs turns grey, love conquers all."
~ Zoë Rebecca

Collaboration with @I_Am_Michael

In the Dark Corners of Shadows and Illusions
He has managed to come to these Conclusions
To accept that which has been Given
A Place of Happiness and a Companion's Token

She has offered her Love and deep Admiration
He has seen her Charm and pours on Adoration
And they two Find Happiness and Joy
As Together in Unity they Strive to Employ

What say those things best said Aloud
That to be your Friend no matter what til the End
A Better Future for both of them without Shroud
And Happiness abounds as their Wants and Desires they Attend

My love, this I promise you
That no matter what life brings us we'll stand tall
I will always be your comfort
I will always be your safe space that you can run to
You can tell me everything and anything because I will never judge you.

I know that some misunderstandings and challenges might come up but we'll face them together as one
I will always be there for you through the good times and bad
You will not face it alone anymore
Because I'm here already

My love, are you ready to face the future with me? He says
Of course, my love, She says
Together as one
In sickness and in health
For richer or for poorer
Till death do us part.

© XoXo