

Intrusive Not Negative
He leans over the railing
On his toes
He braces his body against the breeze
Anything goes

Intrusive thoughts
You snatch at his arms
Trying to be good

He shakes his head
Wanting to feel alive
Free falling
To drive into the light

He says
Car crash on his end
You say what!
He says
Intrusive dream
And dreaming
Is not reality

Ask why?

He says
It happens
Time rolls on like a ball on a hill
Steep hills make it fast
Flat hills do nothing for the thrill

He says
Adrenaline is a funny thing
When you want to feel alive
You reach for the energy
Just to ride the high

Because no one wants to fall flat
He says
He doesn't want to fall facedown
He’d rather roll down the hill
And bounce all around

© SteelBlue