

ok so answer to the Challenge.
World Book Day challenge...

I said three facts.
Two of them were lie, well. One of them was the truth.

The only truth in that was that I have only failed once in a lifetime and that one time was enough to get me depression. Force me to become something I never planned. It made me Question my choices and my future. That was hard phase according to my counsellor, well I'm over it.

I never stare to my loved one because I just love them so much that I could not even maintain eye contact with that person. I'm just like "Whoa, I can't see you because then I would question my eyes... I can't handle that much beauty."

The bookworm thing, I hate book reading. I honestly hate boookish things. I only study to challenge what's there in the book. I just question the hell outta my teachers and authors of the bloody books. So that's completely opposite to whatsoever I am.



© Helza Shine