

loving you by Okinyi Felix
Loving you has been so adventurous
Despite the menacing wild
Despite the threatening threats that someday somehow
I will fall out from the journey
Each day when the sun rises I think
Of doing my best, my best to keep moving
But with time my best becomes common,
So common, I mean so common that,
It would no longer turn you on
And it pains me
Having nothing to fall back on
I sit aside like a desperate cat staring at you all day long
Hoping the smile will return to your face
That smile, the stunning smile
Loving you desperately kills me from inside
And I die from outside and being a cat with nine lives
I die, I die over and over again till am left with only one
Only one life left and I must be careful
I must be careful because I might not come back again
But who said I won't come back? I will
I will and this time as roses in your backyard
And send you fragrance every morning
And because nature understands nature
I'll call upon the winds to blow across my surface
So that I may let out beautiful melody
To tickle your ears
I know your husband will come out