

Striving against all Odds
Striving against all odds,i stand so tall,
Defying limits, i rise above them all.
Striving against all odds, a relentless quest,
In every challenge faced, I give my best.

Striving against all odds, like a stormy sea,
I navigate the waves, embracing bravery.
Striving against all odds, like a blazing fire,
I find the strength within, to reach higher.

Striving against all odds, through darkest night
I seek the guiding stars, their gentle light.
Striving against all odds, I never wane,
For in my heart, a burning passion sustains.

Striving against all odds, i choose to see,
Opportunity in adversity, and I am free.
Striving against all odds, my spirit's unfurled,
I'm the hero of my story, changing the world.
© Ezra Briscoe