

Prove yourself,
a question is asked,
lies don't help,
reality is masked,
provided you will remain still,
living, and living without will,
A perception,
Life is without a caption,
They say stories end when lovers meet,
They will know if they retreat,
a love so stronger,
yet annoying it is,
love is a feeling,
divided it is,
I have waited longer to find what it is,
I am eager,
I will submit,
Love is love how powerful it may be,
In the end it gives up,
no matter how keen it may be,
Life is an illusion love is another layer,
Nothing is real,
In this Godforsaken Sphere,
Tonight I will go,
and say a prayer,
Shall the lovers meet,
Love will be pure,
a perfect allure,
I shall share,
Whatever they adhere,

© S.Ali