

The Moonlight Sonata of the Cursed Lovers
A boy lives in the mountains alone,
Chased away by his fellow villagers.
Even his father and mother won't take him in;
His siblings laugh at him together with the village kids.
He takes their stinging words and walks to the edge of the mountain where his cottage lays.
Moon shines in the moonlight with his window open; his tears fall,
Crystal fall shinning in moonlight's sonata.
What caused a poor shepherd to be chased away by his own herd?
In late of the night, he goes for a bath in the village's lake.
So dark and blue, in it he lays; cold is water, warm coming out of his body.
Arms envelope the boy, taking him into the deep blue lake
Where he makes love with his lover all night beneath the moonlight, showing his sin with no shame.
A girl with pure eyes and his dead eyes entwine all night.
Who is the girl,
The reason for his exile!
His lover who he loved with all his might
But love is never a road to be taken lightly.
On the last full moon, his lover drowned in the very lake; her voice echoes in his mind still to this day.
Broken by this love and the trial of love
What could he have done
What the poor boy could have done
On a night when the moon hadn't shined
He had slaughtered everyone in his herd,
His cloths bloody from his herd's and his own blood.
He made a sacrifice of blood and life
Called upon the devil in his pitiful attempt
He made a deal with the devil to meet his lover again; he begged him night
He sacrificed his heart, his soul; in return, he heard his lover's call
From the lake she called where she drowned,
The deal was done, nothing to be undone
The villagers found out about the taboo which had been done
Exiled to the mountains since his name was written in devil's book of debtors,
Till now every night when the moon shines or the darkness is benign
The poor boy in love meets his lover and drowns in his lover's scent
Till now the boy craves his lover's touch
Moonlight orchestra plays beneath the stars; a beautiful show two lovers play

© raionSAMIOKA