

Face It With A Wack
The pages of my old book,
Hold my memories of yesterday,
Every smile, every tear,
Every person who came my way...
And every person who went away.

The first few pages are filled with smiles
While a few others are lies.
The next pages are full of trys,
To hold back cries.

One in particular, caught my eyes;
Had a smile on
But something seemed off.
Few others made my heart throb.
No crinkled-eyes in those smiles;
The view appeared so wry.

I turned the page
To a blank one;
Then another.

This is life.
You can still make it better.
Let tomorrow be greater.
Find that craze
And fill that page.
Do look back
To how you faced it with a wack.

And remember,
This is life.
It's a do or die.
So, fly high.
Touch the sky.
It's okay to cry.

© SheWrites