

Rise up like a Phoenix
Earth is freezed & birds no more
Someone is knocking on my broken dim dore
Should i go or should i ignore
My heart is burning like deep earths core

No one is rich as everyone here is poor
U should open your mind & then explore
Rich have money but love has zero score
Poor show love but no money in pocket store

I was also a happy bird long before
Hope & Happiness used to fill my floor
Failure & sadness made my heart tore
I am not a shining diamond anymore

But i will rise up like a phoenix on this broken floor
Hardwork always pays i am full sure
Learn from failures & a new jouerny will pour
I will come back to life & everyone will adore

NOTE:-_________________This poem is for everyone who fails and looses hope.....I hope this poem will boost u a little more.

© Fallen-Bird