

In the rain's soft pitter-patter
I find solace, I find much.
Each drop a healer,
A friend to my soul,
Washing away sorrows,
Making me whole.

With every petrichor
I breathe in deeply,
without a care.
The rhythm of rain,
A symphony so sweet,
It calls to me,
Inviting a dance so sweet.

Alone by the window,
Candle's gentle glow,
With pen in hand,
Thoughts flow free,
In this snug spot,
I look out, see.
Music in my heart,
Inside it grows,
In this cozy space,
My spirit glows.

The sound of rain,
A melody that my heart hear
In this moment,
I'm free, I'm alive,
With every raindrop,
My spirit does thrive.

So let the rain fall,
Let it wash me anew,
In its embrace,
I find my truth.
For in the midst of stormy skies,
I find beauty, I find my ties.

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