

Light and Darkness
Right and Wrong
Good and Evil
Order and Chaos
Success and Failure
Heaven and Hell

Or rather,

Light and Darkness

Can there be Light without Darkness?
They are two sides of a coin
One cannot exist without the other
As they both define each other
One cannot be ‘good’
Without knowing what is ‘bad’
One is meaningless without the other
No joy can truly be appreciated
Without first having a sense of sadness

Which one of them comes first?
There is neither first nor second
They are always together
But for most of the time
They never truly balance out
One can sometimes be more overwhelming
But neither is ever completely wiped out by the other

What separates good and bad?
It's all a matter of perspectives and consequences
Every action is packed with different weightage
Of goodness and badness
One action can benefit someone
At the cost of another
So think twice before anyone suffer

As both Light and Darkness dwell within us
We always struggle to keep them both in check
If there is too much goodness,
The devil will bring along temptation
As it demands attention
If there is too much badness,
We will experience guilt
The angel’s way of calling out to us

So here comes the questions,

Is your light outshining your darkness?

Or is it being overshadowed by it?

Or are you perfectly balanced?

by Woon Zhen