


Though every bit of nature loudly and clearly speaks the truth,
worldly chorus of consuming materialism diminishes much of it.

The reality slowly starts talking to us in whispers,
from a pallid leaf to a field of dandillions, all begin to abruptly fill us with stillness.
It reminds us how we could have lived as masters of our own purposes and how we've been living as dazed workers,
and chastened we accept that we are the reason for our own sickness.

The vibrant pebbles wait for you to know how far they could travel if they were to be thrown into the pond.

And also for you the Banyan tree provides its rejuvenating shade, creating a perfect place to have yourself burnt in contemplation.

These whispers develop within you a musical elation, a sense of poetry and satisfaction.

And among flowers you find yourself reborn as those petals unfurl leisurely.

Once you've established a sweet gossiping kin with your presence and yourself, these whispers become an everlasting song of silence and fulfillment.

When you will think more clearly, you will whisper to yourself that these whispers weren't whispers really but the voice of existence.