

I don't get it.
He wants me, he doesn't want me, he wants me, he doesn't want me.
You guys complain.
"Oh she's not loyal"
"I want a skinny girl"
"A hot softball/athletic girl"
"I want a girl with an ass"
"I want a girl with big boobs"
"I want a girl with lot of money"
You complain.
"She's not loyal"
"She's fat as fuck"
"She's ugly as hell"
"Where's the ass?"
"Where's the boobs?"
You wanna hurt us, you want a loyal girl but when there is one waiting for you, you can't commit.
You wanna say " I like you" then say all the shit and a couple days later " I don't can't do this".
How the FUCK do u think we feel!?.
Thinking "Omg he likes me!!" "Omg he said he loves me!!' " "omg he likes me for me, he won't judge!" "Omg he said im the only one!". And then all of a sudden u make an excuse up because once again you can't COMMIT. So don't say there's nobody there for u, when there is. U simply js love judging, giving up, and wanting the "perfect" girl. There's nothing that's perfect. U just want your own barbie doll that fits all your expectations. © Tasha