

"The Canvas of Tomorrow"
What thoughts colour yours today?
What goals will you achieve someday?
You spend your time dreaming of glory,
While your life waits aside for its own story.

Each moment a brushstroke, each choice a hue,
Painting the canvas of all that is true.
Yet dreams can be fleeting, like whispers in air,
While reality beckons with challenges rare.

What if today was the day to ignite,
The spark of your passions, to step into light?
No more just imagining paths yet untrod,
But taking bold steps, believing in God.

For life is a tapestry woven with care,
With threads of our actions and moments we dare.
So gather your dreams and let courage take flight,
Transforming the shadows into brilliant light.

The future is waiting, a blank page unturned,
With lessons and victories yet to be learned.
Embrace the now, let your heart lead the way,
For each day is a gift—make it yours today.

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