

In the Eye of the Tempest
In tempests fierce and shadows deep we've roamed,
Two souls adrift in life's tumultuous sea,
Where storms of doubt and fear have us entwined,
Yet hand in hand, we've never ceased to be.

Through jagged cliffs of loss and grief we've climbed,
Where words alone could never set us free,
In silent tears, in whispers soft and kind,
Our hearts have intertwined in harmony.

Each step a testament to hope's design,
As side by side we've faced the tempest's rage,
And in the eye of every trial, we've found
A bastion of peace, a stage for trust unbound.

For every scraped knee, a gentle touch,
For every tear, a whispered vow to persevere,
Each storm a bond that strengthens, unconfined,
In shared experience, our friendship's sphere.

Thus, walking through the shadows, come what may,
Together we shall conquer night's dismay,
For in the light of dawn, our hearts alike,
Our friendship, forged in hardship, will forever shine
© Alicia