

Oh, girl, I am still standing in the same alley, where you let go of my hand.
I am waiting for you to hold my hand again,
I wish you never leave from my sight,
It's just like a moment ago when you were in my embrace,
When you said "I love you" for the first time.
I really like that summer, those springs, and autumn when you hold those maples leave falling down. When we share same feelings with ice creams, when we walk bare feet on the greens,
how much I wish about those winters can come back to me when you are in my embrace.
Oh girl, come let's play again with snow, let's again make the man of snow.
That camphor are still for us, do you still remember those roads.
I miss so badly those concert nights, holding the hands and walking alongside. The lights of the buildings look like the star.
Oh girl, how much I wish you could return in my arm.
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