

Fuck it
I know I know, I am starting to have the fuck it admitted. I think I am emotionally unstable so just what the doctor recommended write.... seriously wrote like thirty time's and smiled three, broke shit two and three I believe I mailed at least two "fuck you letters" I know I know it is not the ladylike thing to do. Dear asshole oops. Fuck it when reality starting to set in and I am starting to dislike alot of shit I am trying to remain classy but, why should I be? I mean being a good women is a headache 😕 I really don't need the headache men want me. bitches want me but I remain obtuse for the the exact reason I know I love to write but, fuck it everything doesn't go my way unless I am a bitch. I am am starting not to have a ounce of fucks to give. I want to tear up everything I am starting to get very pissed I am tired of repeating myself. I am not a fucking shadow. I am not scared of shit I am not gonna scream I want to throw alot of shit I want to say fuck everything. I am not happy I am not a possession or object. I am tired of being nice and smiling like I don't have my music I don't have my studio. like what the entire fuck no out. now when I start being a bitch I am mean or bitter. Stop saying you know how I feel you don't not at all. No I am not mad I feel like a procession. like a robot that is made now I feel numb, I am starting to feel trapped with no way back. I know I have to be built for tracks. I am done talking about how I feel. I Will just continue to be myself and keep it real. Fuck it.
© I'm Not cocky just confident 😉