

Life's Repeating
As the evening comes to a close,
You were thinking about what you want to do with the rest of your life,
The clock chimed and something unusual took place...

Time spent wondering where has the years gone. Life replays the same old song.The promises you didn't keep. Hours worrying restless sleep. Plans that wasn't made.Personal problems you didn't face. Thoughts are resurfacing, all at once. You don't really know exactly what you want. Again, you've tried to make sense of your life. Nothing seems to be right. Seemingly, you are stuck on a treadmill, moving fast, but you're not going anywhere. Smiles seen curious and mean. Where do you go from here, anywhere else, near or far, you're home alone, by yourself. At midnight, gazing at the shining stars. Hoping to figure out will they be there tomorrow. It's clear your life is an open book, upon a shelf, know one will ever look. To discover who you are. You're at the window, once again you've gazing at the stars. Life's repeating.
© Daniel Mason