

I literally delve myself into detriment
To actually feel the gloom of the moment
I flew and soared, but I didn't think enough
I thought I was fine sitting, who chills every puff

Shut the noise from this stupid device
Constant sighing, but my chest sudden rise
I could've slept, but I decided like a masochist
Hurting myself from the past, I knew at least

Am I missing something, am I too stupid?
How I forced everything, like I do the weed?
Forced rhymes, how it can't be conformable?
Why do I live life in a way unsustainable?

I drew the picture of me and you in my head
Upon my sorrow bed, it sucks how I bled
Witnessed the mess, bleached it with my mind
Why am I so unsteady to every woman I find

Used to contemplate, which side's the matter
Voices in my head argues, I stand and I falter
Scenarios with my father, or her serious history
Which will drag us down both towards misery

I persevere knewing this tale won't last long
So I savor each seconds, like my favorite song
My efforts were great, it feels kind of unfair
Responses I get, equality seems kind of rare

Treats her the way I wanted to be treated
I plead, the way I'm dying to be pleaded
Scared to lose bonds, afraid to turn the page
To blaze the tip of my violent mind, filled with rage

© Dizon