

love in patience
In love's embrace, where patience reigns,
A gentle dance of hearts sustains.
Through trials faced and storms endured,
In patience, love's sweet essence is ensured.

Like a river flowing calm and slow,
Love's journey takes its time to grow.
Through every twist and turn it bends,
Patience ensures the love never ends.

In waiting, hearts learn to abide,
With faith and hope, side by side.
For love's true beauty lies in its pace,
Slowly unfolding, with each embrace.

In patience, love finds its strength,
In every moment, its essence, it lengthens.
For love is not a hurried race,
But a timeless bond, in patience, we embrace.

So let us cherish the moments dear,
In patience, our love shall never veer.
For in the stillness, our hearts align,
In patience, our love will forever shine.
© director.gopikiran