

intangible words of the past present and future
Hollow lines speak Hollow Minds
The past was the future. The future was the past, and at last, the light speaks of crass

of coughing jokes that stoke the cloaks of bloated blokes that choked the word that Miss spoke of misdeeds that bleed...

The seed of greed so we concede and we grieve we device we never believe unless it bleeds that is the Creed when your light lost its
Ease, so we say please like a disease.

The hate is great, and the eye's lie and the Nation send the little drummer boy
Too destroy the bones of Rolling Stones
That rip the fabric from steam and the light
Turns to noise...the boy go's numb and has become nothing but a shadows dream.

The home was alone and broken, and Whispers spoke of feelings and bottles
And throttles of emotion, but the eyes were
Empty as a worne out spline.

The rules only apply to fantasies and Laura brennigan's control in that puddle of that mud
That connects for life until the light sleeps
To the rich girls with curls like beaten down tears and the fears emerge to surge the electric cat...a question what was the lie you seen? They said candy in a lipzock bag, and misdirection is all I find in life's imagination.

The seductive eyes of the street are sweet
And bleek with no sound, no bone, no clones
In the ravine of gangsters and Pranksters
And the secrets becomes the true you and the scars shape your heart longing for your true home, but metal broke your heart into lost art.

The sour taste is a race that fell behind lace
And the trace is an escape of paper dolls
On the ceiling. the walls fall apart on TV
And the world falls through the islands as the losers win... they lose their sight... there fight
For an unbroken chain in there veins and the masterpiece is stained into the slipstream
With spiders dangling on tips of fast quips
On the last trips and the chips are sick and twisted As paper cuts and paranoia and trap closes your eye's the story was sold and the lies was told to Hollywood vines on hollow lines that speak no mind just intangible words of the past present and future...................

© @David_vs_a_word