

Is the grass Greener?
I know at birth you are told that the world is yours. "Really..? "Yeah okay" You were told that you are the best generation. "Seriously?"
"Well that's what you were told", "I know nothing is ever handed to you". "Of Course" "The assumption that you were born into the privilege world is crazy!!!""' Being dumped in the system, you and your young siblings, Evidently¡¿! As we sit anxiously in the backseat of the car." "by this point being told everything is okay, did not mean anything. "Watching your mother the only thing you really loved and know, is changed when you see the very women you know will protect you and your sisters with her all? is Hog tied Wait hold the heck up seriously!"?I just seen the very life I had taking away. No more gingerbread pizza, Looking at star's as bright as they show. I know the assumption that a seven year old couldn't believe my reality. Norma Thorpe I recollect she decided our fate I guess. I didn't know it was a bitter test. knowing the cost of being more less stressed I suppose. I know the system is broken well it's been weakened,the money goes to the one caring for the unspoken. When it's going to nails and hair and some seem unaware. Money makes money to those that aren't scared. Or to the one's that really don't care. I fixed my crown, and walked away proud. So is the grass greener? Is it worth the hurt and pain now with all that money do you feel any shame? Is the grass greener? Question is the bed warm is it worth your mind? I feel like you wasted you're time. I know it's critical and I know what is exactly on your mind.
© I'm Not cocky just confident 😉