

Thanksgiving One
So it's Thanksgiving Day
Filled with food and parade
But not so this time
Covid still rules sublime

With death on the rise
And the vote, half despise
How do we ask sincere
Thank you God, this year

Well, let's go back
Way back
To Thanksgiving One
Then, how was it done?

With hope and much fear
The Mayflower landed here
One hundred came on shore
Few really knew the score

Winter caused many to freeze
Half lost their life to disease
Four of twenty women remained
Still they found a way

Inviting those not their own
There at Plymouth stone
And thanks to God secured
For what they had endured

I know there is stress
As we look to bless
Surely we can find a cause
To give God sincere applause

God, your love sustains
Thank you for the life that remains
May Giving Thanks One humble us all
As we celebrate you this Fall.

J Franklin