

Mother Not Other
While you're Walking Heaven
you'll run into a  woman
who is the leadership of Respect
Bright Heart Like A Gem
What an instinct !
Kind quite Old "Girl"
She is the only person who hasn t rejected me when i was Young
When I Was surrouned By Fog
When Darkness Zigzaged me like an Harmony of ding dang dong
When my life used to trembling itself

Sincere as an antidote for fear
Raise Your Hand for an Aid
my Darling i'm right up Here
Some tears you wanna shed?
Yes , I m fed Up
No , Rise up then Keep Up
Face Tragedies and with them bear
This is my Mother not other person
Painkiller , Pain Squeezer ,
Never complain
Never being vain
For me , it is A Blue-sky Dauphin !
She endures
Yeah even there are opened cans of worms
And If She Passed Away
I Would Absorb and penetrate That Grief
Using this Pen
And Blowing The sadness symphony
Through A Loose Leaf

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