

The tree
There was a tree, a big tree, near our house;
Tall and huge in size,which never failed to amuse.
Providing a shed of relief to the travellers,
And shelter to thousands of animals and birds.

There was this tree near our house, which always fascinated me;
I enjoyed sitting under its shed and forget all miseries.
The shed was calm like a mother's heart:
It provided a relief that touches the heart.

But we humans always try to be so bold,
"It is the rust we value and not the gold".
Cut down was the tree, for the sake of constructions,
All the animals and birds were seeing their shelter's destruction.

The tree is no more, the area has been conquered by building;
Now the travellers and the birds do not get a place for resting.
We all know the troubles we are facing today, the situation is so alrming..
But it's fine, it is the result of all the deeds of mankind.