

If my Poetries are Alive

I was dead almost a half,
If you found me Alive
it's because of You.

I can only be felt Alive
through poetries and if
there's a wonder in the world
it would be You, for me to poetry.

there's always a person
the clouds gives out in form of rain,
to make this Earth Alive
and to me, it's You.

When I suffer, when my
words and hand written letters
abandoned me
it was you, who made me Alive.

I write today,
because of you.
and I'll write everyday
if I can cuddle you and kiss
you on your neck and forehead.

I write Poetries for you.
I will write you love letters
and show you love
by me, because that's all I've
got for you.

I want you, to write Poetries
to make me feel Alive. like Living.

© Isai